Posts tagged ‘Nutcracker’

Dec 6, 2010


Hi my name is Helen,
and I really want a drink.
Luckily this usually occurs when I cannot have a drink,
or when there is nothing to drink.
Case in point, Home Thai,
they didn’t serve alcohol,
so no drink there.
Also at Ed’s dinner,
I was driving,
so no drinking.

The same seems to be happening when it comes to shopping.
I’m always looking for something to buy,
but there’s nothing I like XD.
Haha which is also the same when I want to download things.

Hmm what else might be a failed addiction…
I can’t seem to think of more right now… maybe later.

Dinner, desert and capitols yesterday was awesome,
It was great seeing everyone again, yay
even though each time there’s heaps of craziness involved.
Ooo and we all need to drink one day!!!
No more seeing each other a few times a year,
we must meet up moreeee.

On a side note,
I don’t know what to get for a friend’s birthday.
It feels as if something’s missing,
but I can’t think of anything else.

There were some other things that were all my mind quite a bit,
but this post is already long enough.
So future posts may include topics containing:
– Regrets
– Annoying attributes/traits
– Awesome attribute/traits
– Loyalty
– Facades
– Patience
– Goals

Choo chooing to the Opera House for the Nutcracker with Holly now =]

Helen ♥