Posts tagged ‘Smiles’

Sep 6, 2011

Sunshine and Smiles

I’ve been sitting here for a little while,
ok much longer than a little while,
thinking of a way to start this.
And I really don’t know…

You bring out so many emotions in me,
so many of them light me up and make me feel warm inside,
as warm as those loving hugs that you give =].

But sometimes we hit a snag,
and we both feel hurt and down.
And as stubborn as we both get,
we’re not afraid to tell each other what’s wrong…
ok maybe a little afraid,
and maybeeeee it takes a little while for that tell-all,
but we do get there, and that’s what counts =].

And for all the times I make you fake cry,
I really really am sorry,
but I really really really really can’t help it,
you sound so cute,
and I know you’re secretly hating me inside,
and probably plotting your revenge =]P,
but you still hold on to me so tightly,
and I can’t stop smiling… just thinking of that made me a little teary and smiley =].

I had no idea you were coming into uni on your days off just to see me
and maybe play some magic =]P.
It wasn’t till Joseph said so last week,
that it hit me, yes it took me 5 weeks XD,
actually I was still insisting that you were coming in for him.
I didn’t think I was special enough for you to come in on your day off :P.

But this is what I really wanted to tell you,
whenever you feel down,
or like I’m angry at you,
or you’re angry at me,
or you just want to smile for a little while.
Just look at the back of your phone, if it’s still there 😛,
and remember,
you’re the sun and I’m the flower,
and that you fill me up with life itself, sunshine =].

He gives me all the smiles I'll ever need and more =]

He gives me all the smiles I'll ever need and more =]

I love you,
for all the sunshine and smiles
you bring into my life =].
Helen ♥